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This paper summarizes the method of special training used for development of javelin throw capability in junior athletes. 1. It is necessary to develop the outstanding physical elements required by a javelin thrower, which include a long throw capability, speed, jumping power, and explosive power, and-especially-shoulder flexibility. 2. For the fundamental technique of the javelin throw, it is important to transmit the energy efficiently using a technique in which the athlete does not slow down during the run-up and crossing step, and follows through into the throw. 3. It is important to strengthen mainly the legs and trunk, and for this jump training and working with a medicine ball are effective. 4. It is important to heighten the athlete's capability to respond to various situations under competition conditions. Moreover, since a mental factor is involved in many cases, it is considered important to perform training in a competitive atmosphere, as well as mastering a good throwing technique.
- 大阪体育大学の論文
- 2004-03-31
大阪体育大学 | 論文
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