サイウオ科魚類3種(Bregmaceros bathymaster,B.rarisquamosusおよびB.cayoram)模式標本の再記載
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This paper redescribes the type specimens of three nominal Bregmaceros species in the family Bregmacerotidae (B. bathymaster Jordan and Bollman, B. rarisquamosus Munro, and B. cayorum Nichols), compares them with past published descriptions, and comments on their validity based on comparisons with earlier-described species. Incomplete observations in the original descriptions are updated, and some new characters are described. Except for the pigmentation, which is difficult to interpret in the original description, B. bathymaster is nearly identical in all of the published accounts and considered valid. B. rarisquamosus has not been recorded with certainty since the original description. Most of the body proportions are significantly different between the original and our observations. B. rarisquamosus is most similar to B. nectabanus, among the seven earlier-described valid species, but differs mainly in having 14 principal caudal fin rays as opposed to 13, and is judged valid. B. cayorum also has not been recorded since the original description. It is most similar to B. bathymaster, among the eight earlier-described valid species, but differs in the shape of the opercle, and accordingly is considered valid. B. longipes Garman is considered a junior synonym of B. bathymaster.
- 鹿児島大学の論文
- 2004-02-27
小澤 貴和
小澤 貴和
Laboratory Of Aquatic Resource Science Faculty Of Fisheries Kagoshima University
鳥居 聡尚
小澤 貴和
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