音楽表現における再現から表出への転換(2) : ジェームズ・ビーティーの音楽表現論を中心に
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In the West, artistic creation comprises two different conceptual factors: imitation and expression. In its significance, imitation, which originated from mimesis in ancient Greece, was replaced by 'expression in the modern times. The shift in music was encouraged by the development of instrumental music in the 18^<th> century. There are two important remarks on conversion of imitation into expression in musical composition in Essay on Poetry and Music, As They Affect the Mind (1762) by James Beattie. First, Beattie classified arts into imitative arts and non-imitative arts and regarded poetry and painting as imitative arts and instrumental music as non-imitative art. Because, in poetry and painting it is not hard to recognize what is imitated or represented by materials: words, colours, figures, but, in instrumental music there is nothing to lead the listener to recognize the imitation in sounds, so that what is imitated can hardly be recognized. Second, he conceived that instrumental music without words was suitable to express pathos which meant personal feeling. As the aim in arts converted from imitating ethos which meant common affection to expressing pathos in 18^<th> century, instrumental music that had been less valued became superior to vocal music.
- 昭和女子大学の論文
- 2004-11-01
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