CORONA衛星写真・衛星画像を利用した地形調査 : 中国タリム盆地・トルファン盆地の活断層を中心として(<特集>海外地形調査におけるGIS/RSの活用)
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Satellite remote sensing provides valuable information on the landscapes of foreign countries. However, satellite images, having lower ground-resolution compared with aerial photographs, are difficult to detect the detail features formed by active faults such as the deformation of the fluvial terrace surfaces. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the active faults of the Turpan basin and Tarim basin, North West of China, focusing on the deformations of the terrace surfaces by the interpretation of the CORONA satellite photographs of high-resolution (2-3 m) with stereo coverage. The following results are obtained. Fault scarps with about 5 m relative heights and the dislocations on the fluvial terrace surfaces can be recognized by the detail stereo-optical interpretation of the CORONA Satellite Photographs. CORONA mosaic images show that the active faults of Turpan Basin and Tarim Basin distribute along the piedmont of the anticlinal mountains or hills parallel to the southern flank of Tian Shan Mts. But, there are some regional differences in distribution patterns between both basins; in the Turpan Area, active faults are continuously developed along the southern flank of the anticlinal mountains or hills, but in the Kashi Area (northwestern part of Tarim Basin), active structures appear intermittently. Perhaps, these differences reflected by subsurface structure or condition of tectonic stress. Thus, the CORONA mosaic images can easily show these differences. As stated above, by using high-resolution satellite images and photographs, not only detail mapping of active faults based on the deformations of the terrace surfaces locally, but also analyzing of the distribution patterns of active faults regionally is possible. In addition, high-resolution satellite images and photographs also provide very useful data for the research on the landform in late Quaternary such as the fluvial, glacial and aeolian landforms characteristic in the inland Asia. The future development on the studies of landform development in late Quaternary in the inland Asia is expected.
- 日本地形学連合の論文
- 2006-04-25
渡邊 三津子
相馬 秀廣
高田 将志
高田 将志
渡邊 三津子
奈良女子大学大学院 人間文化研究科 複合領域科学専攻
相馬 秀廣
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