骨粗鬆症の予防医学的研究 : 地域住民のビタミンD低下症について
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The incidence of osteoporosis is increasing in recent years. Osteoporotic fractures are one of the major diseases responsible for the "bedridden" status of the elderly, and they reduce the level of their activities of daily life and/or their quality of life. For all of these reasons, the prevention of osteoporosis is very important, however, osteoporosis is usually dealt with in orthopedics and gynecology. Risk factors for osteoporosis include physiologic factors, such as menopause and aging, genetic predisposition, and unfavorable lifestyles, such as low levels of physical activity, and poor calcium and vitamin D nutritional status. Nevertheless, the risk factors in the Japanese population have not been clearly identified. The author and colleagues have been investigating the nutritional risk factors for osteoporosis in the Japanese population. Hypovitaminosis D and low calcium intake have been reported to be risk factors for osteoporosis in European and North American countries, but they have not been well investigated in Japan. This article summarizes our investigation of hypovitaminosis D in Japanese communities.
- 新潟大学の論文
- 2004-10-10
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