- 論文の詳細を見る
There is the bottom compression drawing method which used the material flw by compressing the bottom of the cup as the forming method of the cup to attempt to lighten and rationalize an improvement process. This is the combined forming method which compresses the bottom of the cup with conventional deep drawing/ironing. The purpose of this study is to investigate the transformation conduct of the cup by processing process to analyze various options of material flow in the bottom of the cup in the method. Added to this investigation, it is examined a fracture factor from the section of the fractured cup and it is compared with one in case of the conventional deep drawing/ironing. As a result, it developed that the material in the bottom of the cup is flowing to the shoulder and the side of the wall and is contributing to the improvement of the depth of the cup. It should also be added that the fractured cup showed a different form from the conventional deep drawing/ironing because of the compression of the bottom of the cup.
- 福井工業高等専門学校の論文
- 2004-11-25
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