ノーマリゼーション原理の研究 : 「価値」の視点から
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This study clarifies the value of social welfare by focusing on the practice of social welfare, and by examining the concepts of a variety of social welfares. This study discusses the normalization principle from the value system. The outlook on value is examined from various aspects. The principle related to support is a special relation with sympathy. Those who offer support express their values to the recipients of the support. It is necessary to understand others to understand the self, and vice versa. It was clarified to have to ask the outlook on value developed in the relation between those who supported and the user. In social welfare, a philosophical idea is important. It was in the standpoint which was not able to be cut off from the philosophy, and was clarified to social welfare of a subjective standpoint it. In conclusion, the normalization principle is not a principle of social welfare alone. Be to help for the person to grow up, and own to achieve that the character of one person is taken care of. All the people leak and an equal, human value has leaked. The normalization principle gives a constant suggestion to the outlook on value on our daily life.
- 九州保健福祉大学の論文
- 2004-03-25
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- ノーマリゼーション原理の研究 : 「価値」の視点から