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This paper first introduces the business consolidation of Japan Airlines Co., Ltd. (JAL) and the Japan Air System Co. Ltd. (JAS) through establishment of a holding company, and then evaluates it on the basis of the Merger Guidelines of the Japan Fair Trade Commission (FTC). On March 15, 2002, in reply to prior consultation, the FTC initially announced that the consolidation might cause a substantial obstruction of competition. Since JAL and JAS proposed some measures to remedy the problems, and the Ministry of Land. Infrastructure, and Transportation (MLIT) also adopted additional competition promotion measures, the FTC finally concluded on April, 26, 2002, that the proposed integration plan would not constitute a substantial obstruction of competition. We consider that the initial prohibition of the consolidation was reasonable, but we have some concerns about the final judgement of the FTC. First, the return of 9 (maximum 12) slots of takeoff-and-landing at Haneda Airport by JAL and JAS does not seem to be sufficient to stimulate further new entry into the market, which is necessary for effective competition in the highly concentrated, almost duopoly market. Second, we show theoretically that each firm in such a market that consists of one leader and two followers does not have an incentive to collude ; the followers on their own have an incentive to merge, and if they merge, firms in a duopoly market may collude. In that sense, the consolidation may limit competition in the future. Finally, we show empirically that the current discounted airfares rely on the travelling time difference between the Shinkansen (Super-express trains of the Japan Railways Companies) and the airlines as well as the flying distance, which implies that the competition may especially be restrained on the air routes which can not be easily substituted with the Shinkansen.
- 神戸大学の論文
- 2003-02-28
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