- 論文の詳細を見る
Keywords : international communication, English, ideology, communication theory by Habermas Summary : Tsuda Yukio criticizes ideology of English He based his theory on Jurgen Habermas' theory of communication. However, Tsuda misunderstood Habermas. Habermas insists that it makes good sense to conceive of language as a kind of metainstitution on which all social institutions are dependent, because social action is constituted only in ordinary language communication. On the other hand, language is also medium of domination and social power. It serves to legitimate relations of organized force. As long as the legitimations do not articulate the relations of force that they make possible, language is also ideological. Tsuda mistakes language as metainstitution for ideology of language, though Habermas regards ordinary language communication as metainstituion on which all social institutions are dependent. This misunderstanding by Tsuda leads his theory of the critique of ideology of English to a kind of distortion.
- 2001-12-28
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