「平成大不況」は, これをいかに克服するか : 小泉・構造改革へのオルタナティブを求めて : 続「グローバリゼーションと『社会的経済』」(その1)
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The recovery from the Heisei great depression has been facing many difficulties. Why is it so? It is said because the post-World War II socio-economic paradigm, known as the Keynesian Welfare-state system or Fordism, by which expanding economy absorbs friction between capitalists and workers, has used up its potentialities. The U.S., in trying to overcome these difficulties, has turned to pursuing a new liberalism based on the principle of market mechanism and globalization. However, it cannot become the next paradigm, not only because it is as ineffective as the older paradigm in overcoming the problems of economic depression, but it has resulted in a decline in social and environmental conditions that are harming people through the world. Koizumi's brand of U.S. style structural reform could be characterized as assentient and an incorporation into their globalization on its own accord, yet it cannot be effective, but rather only worsen Japan's depression. In "Globalization and 'Social economy'" (Keizai-Shirin Vol.70 No.4) we have outlined the importance of promoting Radical Democracy and Social-economy in order to able to enjoy the both environmentally and socially sustainable development in the 21st century. As an alternative to Koizumi's structural reform policy, this article develops ideas prescribed in the earlier work and proposes promotion of Radical Democracy and Social-economy among regional grassroots as the lever of recovery from the depression to revitalize local communities in the direction of making the local development environmentally and socially sustainable.
- 法政大学の論文
- 2004-03-05
- グローバリゼーションと「社会的経済」 : グローカルな,新たな「公共性」を求めて,あるいはハーバーマスとの批判的対話
- 「平成大不況」は,これをいかに克服するか : 小泉・構造改革へのオルタナティブを求めて : 続「グローバリゼーションと『社会的経済』」(その1-2)(大谷禎之介教授退任記念論文集)
- 「平成大不況」は, これをいかに克服するか : 小泉・構造改革へのオルタナティブを求めて : 続「グローバリゼーションと『社会的経済』」(その1)