- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to the actual condition of children with special educational needs who attended regular class in Akita Prefecture and the present situation of the support, and to consider the problem from the viewpoint of the special support education. The resuts were as follows. 1) There were many children with special educational need by disability in the elementary school, but on the contra-ry the junior high school had the tendency where there were many children with special educational needs by fac-tor except disability. 2) The enrollment percentage of children with special educational needs by disability tent to decrease according to the grade progress and oppositely, children with special educational needs except disability tent to increase. 3) "Staff meeting" and "supports except the home room teacher" were applied as systematic support in many elementary school and the junior high school. Also, generally, the support in the class tend to be personal support by the class teacher. 4) There was much indirect support such as the advice to the class teacher by special class and resourse room. 5) Cooperation with special school for children with disabilities was extremely limited. There is much consultation in the support out of the school, too, and it became limited one. 6) The majority of the person concerned were favor of the international trend. Generally, "teem teaching and the plural number home room teacher system", "the arrangement of the teacher who has a specialty to the special class", "the little number of people system in regular class" were necessary for many school as the condition service of the class. The problem about the support to regular class was the following three, service a condition of regular class, systematic support in the school, and the support by the related organization out of the school.
- 秋田大学の論文
- 2004-03-31
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