- 論文の詳細を見る
For a society background ; for example, the campaign for Father's Parental leave by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, it is told in many cases about the father who participates in housekeeping and child-rearing. Although various opinions are flying about, what has it become in fact about a father's child-care? In order to explore present-day "participates in child-care of father" image, the report was investigated the image, opinion and view of "participates in child-care of father" is written on the Internet. In contrasts with the number of newspaper articles about "father's child-rearing", the result for the number and the updating frequency of the homepage on the web are as follows. 1) The contents of the homepage which was the most active from 1998 to 2000 is almost "how to take parental leave" and/or "the account of experience or diary which are actually engaging or participating in child-care". 2) The contents of the most active homepage at present (it results now from the second half of 2002) is becoming in use an ordinary father's own description which expressed an opinion and comment about "child-care of a father" freely using a system of weblog and taking "photo album or diary", "short essay". From 1998 to 1999, description on the internet was effected and interacted with the contents of mass-media : newspaper or TV-show. In 2004, measure against the declining birthrate "Plus one" is adopted. For a built future better society, it is necessary to reconstruct a father's real opinion or figure about child-care participation by an analysis of description of father's real image on the web.
- 名古屋柳城短期大学の論文
- 2004-12-20
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