七五調の朗読と日本語のリズム : 「休止を置かない」朗読について
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The term "2 morae unit" is often used when linguists discuss the Japanese rhythm. The 5-7-5 syllable HAIKU is also analyzed by this term. In this case, a pause between each phrase is regarded as a feature of the unit (5[p]7[p]5[p]), and the 5-7-5 unit becomes an even-numbered sequence. However HAIKU is usually read aloud like "5[p]75", which means that there is no pause between the second and the third phrases. In this paper, the following hypothesis is discussed: "ln the reading of HAIKU without the second pause, the 2 morae unit tends to be placed at the end of the second phrase". In order to demonstrate this hypothesis, the reading of HAIKU in a TV program is analysed. The three standards of rhythm analysis adopted here are: (1) an automatic rhythm segmentation, (2) a rhythm segmentation for the semantic consideration, (3) control of the "pronunciation possibility". In the last standard, the "possibility" means that a dephthongized mora or a vowel devoicing mora functions as an adjacent consonant of a syllable. The finding of this analysis is that the case of reading without a pause increases according to the order of the above mentioned (1) < (2) < (3). So does the percentage of the case of the unit 2 at the end of the second phrase by the same order. This means that there is a little relation between the control of "pronunciation possibility" and the reading of HAIKU without a pause.
- 岐阜大学の論文
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- 七五調の朗読と日本語のリズム : 「休止を置かない」朗読について
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