<原著>磁気共鳴画像構成時の物理特性の視覚的観察 : 放射線計測実験への応用(その1)
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国立情報学研究所で電子化The progress of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a clinical tool has been extraordinary, outstripping the rate of development of any other imaging technique. Barely 20 years have passed since the introduction of these clinical systems, and the MRI is essential to the clinical management of neurological and musculoskeletal disease. and applications in other areas are constantly being defined. Any new imaging technique brings with it an educational need, which in the case of the MRI is intense. The underlying technology is particularly complex and a working knowledge of it is essential to good practice. Further, unlike the CT scan, which is a fairly mature modality, the MRI continues to evolve at an extraordinary pace. Thus, an attempt at creating a user-friendly experience to simplify its use was done. As a result of the experience, pulse sequence diagrams, which are included for every major technique, were displayed accurately in the oscilloscope. Also, the values of Longitudinal recovery times (T1), Transverse relaxation times (T2) and Resonance frequency are expressed by formula. The experience was found effective for student education.
- 県立広島大学の論文
加藤 博和
澤田 昭三
澤田 昭三
羽根田 清文
羽根田 清文
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