多言語対応テキスト検索ツールの自作 : DOS環境の場合(言語編)
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Conventional text retrieval systems fall short in one or more way: *they cannot handle properly textual data containing words which are separated by a hyphen. *they don't provide a sentence context for the hit word. *they cannot locate the page of each word's ocurrences. *they don't allow us to browse freely the search results. To overcome these shortcomings I have developed the following two text search programs executable on any MS-DOS system. I believe that they are particularly useful for linguists and foreign language teachers or students: "LFIND.EXE ver. 0.95" is a text search utility which will allow you to search a list of words and provides you with a "key-word-in-sentence" display. It also help you to launch a specific file browser or your favorite editor. "WFIND.EXE ver.3.01" will let you scan through a single file, a set of files or a collection of unstructured text and find the actual occurrences of a given word or string fully or partially specified (that is, you can use wildcards for a key word). It gives you the location (the page and line) of all occurrences of your word/string with the sentence in which it is found.
- 大阪外国語大学の論文
- 1995-02-28
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