老子の新研究 : 第一部 老子の成立に關する考察
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This article is but one part of the author's study of Lao-tzu, and concerns itself with two questions: (a) What is meant by "Lao-tzu" ? and (b) How did the Tao-te-ching (道徳經) take shape ? Its contents are as follows: Introductory remarks. Part I Points of departure for the author's view of Lao-tzu. A. Impressions gained from reading Lao-tzu's biography in fee Shih-chi (史記老子傅) and the Tao-te-ching. B. Primitive Taoists thoughts and the Tao-te-ching. C. What is meant by " Lao-tzu." ? Part II The Formation of Lao-tzu's biography and of the Book of Lao-tzu. A. The Formation of Lao-tzu's biography and of the Book of Lao-tzu as seen from the vantage points of pre-Ch'in (先秦) and early Han (漢初) literature. 1. Introductory. 2. The Book of Chuang-tzu (莊子) and Lao-tzu. 3. The Book of Hsiin-tzu (荀子) and Lao-tzu. 4. The Lii-shih ch'un-ch'iu (呂氏春秋) and Lao-tzu. 5. The Book o'f Han Fei-tzu (韓非子) and Lao-tzu. 6. The Book of Kuan-tzu (管子) and Lao-tzu. 7. The Chan-kuo-ts'e (戦国策) and Lao-tzu. 8. Conclusion. B. Lao-tzu and the Book of Lao-tzu as seen from the structure of the Taote-ching. The questions "What is meant by 'Lao-tzu'?" and "How did the Taote-ching take shape ?" have been discusssd in the past by many persons, but the right answer to these questions is still not clear, and nothing like a solid, unshakable conclusion has been reached. This portion of the author's study of Lao-tzu presents a new point of view on the matter and attempts to answer these questions. The other portions of this study, to be published at a future date, are (a) An analysis of the Tao-te-ching, (b) The original form of the Tao-te-ching, (c) A Japanese translation of the Taote-ching, and (d) The philosophy of the Tao-te-ching.
- 大阪大学の論文
- 1954-03-25