葉粒の研究 : XI.純培養した葉粒菌により原因された日本産葉粒植物に於ける瘤とMosaicの形成(第二部)
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By some investigators including the author, it was already mentioned that the knobbed dwarf cripples are made limited to the leaf-nodular Ardisia crispa and A. punctata by the treatments of heat and antibiotic to their seeds and seedlings. The experiment, however, regarding the formation of the cripples in which using the pure cultured suspension of the leaf nodule bacterium, was never practised until nowadays. In this paper the author dealt with the artifical knob and mosaic symptom formations applying the low temperature treated bacterial suspensions. These were prepared from the pure cultured leaf nodule bacterium, Bacterium foliicola (including 4 strains), isolated from A. crispa and A. punctata in Japan and Germany. 1. The knobbed dwarf cripples were produced for the first time when applied to the seedlings of leaf-nodular Ardisia spp. with the warmed and concentrated suspensions to the consistency of 1/2 or 1/10 volume at 45℃ for 24 or 48 hours containing in cotton or when soaked the seeds in the treated suspensions prior to sowing. But never on the non-leaf-nodular A. japonica by the same treatments. No such knobbed cripple was made on the samely treated leaf-nodular plants with intact and boiled (for one hour) suspensions or IAA solutions. 2. When injected the sterilized (50℃, 30 mins.) or concentrated (47℃, 24 hrs.) bacterial suspension into Ardisia spp. and tomato shoots, a mosaic-like symptom appeared restrict to the treatd A. punctata in the next year ; namely, the leaves turned into mosaic of yollow and green color, curled and dwindled, and they attached to the apical part of the stem in rosette-like and the part swelled more or less. Such a symptom was never observed on the plants (including A. punctata} which received the injection with knob-extract of A. crispa, intact and boiled bacterial suspensions. From the above mentioned facts, a suspicion was deepened as if these phenomena were originated from a cause other than auxin deficiency as in the case of knob-formation which was resulted from
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1961-11-25
千葉大学 | 論文
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