- 論文の詳細を見る
This investigation examined whether free exercise of students became good stimulation of breathing circulation function from relation of pulse rate and pedometer count. And, I examined it on satisfaction degree after exercise. Object person was 432 man students (total of 1391) and 94 woman students (total of 472). As for relation of pulse rate and pedometer count, statistical meaning was recognized by man and women. The exercise that a pulse rate and pedometer count were high together seemed to be next. The man was soccer mini-game, baseball game, touch foot game, Frisbee game, tag, soccer of 3 pairs 1, stroke & game(single) of tennis, stroke & game(single) of badminton at indoors. The women was soccer mini-game, baseball game, touch foot game, Frisbee game, stroke & game(single) of badminton at indoors, stroke & game(single) of tennis, baseball that volleyball was used for, running. As for relation of satisfaction degree and pulse rate, statistical meaning was recognized by man and women. As for this, the exercise to get satisfaction suggests that it needs to feel physiological burden degree and fatigue.
- 愛知工業大学の論文
- 2004-03-31
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