- 論文の詳細を見る
In the present paper, the taxonomy of Polemonium species in Hokkaido (N. Japan), the Kuriles and Sakhalin was dealt with. The classification was carried out on the basis of traditional morphological characteristics and field observations. Following to the species concept of Davidson's (1950), four species recognized by senior authors reduced to two species ; Polemonium caeruleum Linne and Pol. boreale Adams. Infraspecific units adopted were the subspecies, the variety and the form. The subspecies should be a unit which expresses geographical-morphological differential patterns and habitats in global scale ; the variety shows local pattern of variations of any characteristics or ecological habitats within a locality ; the form is a simple trifle variation of a given character.Although the result of the taxonomy was shown in taxonomical treatment in detail, Polemonia found in the areas under consideration were as follows : 1. Polemonium boreale Adams, 2. Pol. caeruhiem Linn. ssp. campanulatum Th. Fries, 3. Pol. caeruleum Linn. ssp. laxiflorum (Regel) Ko. Ito, and 4. Pol. caeruleum Linn. ssp. yezoense (Miyabe et Kudo) Hara. Under the latter 2 subspecies, the following varieties and forms were distinguished ; ssp. laxiflorum f. insulare Ko. Ito, ssp. laxiflorum f. paludosum Ko. Ito, ssp. yezoense var. nipponicum (Kitamura) Ko. Ito, and var. nipponicum f. hidakanum (Ko. Ito) Ko. Ito. Four series set forth in the Sect. Polemonium by Vassiljev (1953) dissolved into 2 sereis, Ser. Caerulea and Ser. Humilia. Pol. caeruleumand its 3 subspecies distinguished were included in Ser. Caerulea, and Pol. boreale was in the Ser. Humilia. In conclusion, the distirbutional route of the present Polemonia was examined, and Kitamura-Davidson's hypothesis was accepted ; one route is Pol. caeruleum ssp. campanulatum-Pol. racernosum-Pol. kiushianum ; the. other route is Pol. caeruleum ssp. campanulatum-Pol. caeruleum ssp. laxiflorum-Pol. caeruelum ssp. yezoense. The present paper learned that the chromosome number of Pol. caeruleum ssp. yezoense var. nipponicum f. hidakanum was published for the first time in Japan ; the number is 2n = 18, entirely the same number as that of some Polemonium species shown by foreign authors.
- 北海道大学の論文
- 1984-03-30
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