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This paper presents the problem of the cost burden of public sewerage works in urban areas from an economic viewpoint and aims to ; 1) analyze the economic characteristics of public sewerage works and derive the basic principle of cost burden division from this analysis. 2) evaluate the principle and the proposal of the Research Committee for Sewerage Finance on matters related to cost burden division. 3) clarify the share of private and public cost burden using the private-burden rate and general accounts-burden rate. Based on the results of the above examination, the following points have been elucidated ; 1) Public sewerage is economically characterized as public goods and as one which exclude external diseconomies. As a basic principle, rain-treatment cost should be classified as public cost while sewage-treatment cost should be classified both as private and public cost. 2) The proposal of the Committee that the principle which should be followed is the one which classifies rain treatment cost as a public cost and sewage treatment cost as a private cost has resulted in excessive private cost for sewage treatment. 3) If cost burden, in urban areas is evaluated by the basic principle, the trend of sewage cost burden almost approaches the limit of the private cost burden in Osaka. In Nagoya, fees in excess of sewage treatment cost have been collected by the authorities and these does not adopt to the basic principle.
- 北海道大学の論文
- 1990-03-30
黒柳 俊雄
廣政 幸生
柳 乙烈
黒柳 俊雄
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