早稲田大学大隈記念大講堂と旧早稲田大学出版部事務棟との連関性に関する考察 : 佐藤功一の「建築-都市」観に関する研究 2
- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper reveals the meaning of relation between Waseda University Okuma Memorial Hall and the office of Waseda University Press. The existence of the Waseda University Press, completed across the street from Okuma Auditorium in the same year, was very important. Efforts were made to achieve a continuity between the two buildings in terms of detail design and materials, but defferences in style, height and so on were pursued willingly. Here, Satoh koichi was able to achieve the goal of creating a beautiful city viewed from the street while at the same time realizing a sort of ecletic "architecture-city" beauty by combining various styles.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 2004-10-30
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- 9032 創設期から昭和初期にかけての早稲田大学建築学科卒業生に関する資料について : 日本近代建築史における「早稲田建築」の系譜(2)
- 26 日本近代建築史における早稲田建築の系譜(1) : 演劇運動からオーディトリアムへ(建築歴史・意匠)