「法政大学への遺言」における「建築」の意味 : 建築家・大江宏の言説に関する方法論的研究
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architect had a paper ' A reflection about the building of school " in April 1957 He had designed the campas Hosei university during 1953-1958 And then Hyoe OUCHI president of the university had written two papers " Independent of Japan and Duty of the private university (September 1950) and " A Testament to Hosei university"(April 1959) Now we are thinkng about these remraks, we have a recognization about an idea of the university against the misfortune and revival after Warld War Secound An educational institution and university is enviromental location naked by the beautiful buildings and beautiful gardens,but not so on. Between these two remarks,we discover an action of the spirit of the university, as a recollection of the experiences reberal, and as a live of the presence.
- 2004-07-30
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