ナームク・ケマルの立憲議会構想 : 国家評議会からウスーリ・メシュヴェレトヘ
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The purpose of this paper is to analyze the constitutional plan of Namik Kemal (1840-1888), one of the most active members of the Young Ottomans who sought constitutional government. Kemal presented his ideas in an article entitled Usul-i Mesveret (the system of consultation, i.e. constitutional representative government), in the newspaper Hurriyyet (Freedom, 1868-1870). Previous research on the Young Ottoman movement have focused on its political and social thought. Here, however, author focuses on the relationship between the constitutional plan of the Young Ottomans and the reform policies of the Ottoman government, taking into accout the Islamic tendencies of the Young Ottomans within the social context of the Empire. The establishment of Sura-yi Devlet (the Council of State) in 1868 was one of the most important moments for the Young Ottoman movement. According to the Sultan's inauguration speech regarding the Council of State, written in Ottoman Turkish, which has seldom been decoded in the research to date, the Council was established based on the principle of the separation of powers, to secure the rights and freedom of all the people in the Ottoman Empire and to maintain the integrity of the state. Namik Kemal criticized this idea, and asserted the execution of reforms based on the principle of Seri'at (Islamic law) and the introduction of representative government. He further asserted the superiority of Islamic law over the constitution and justified the introduction of Western political systems. He also presented his perspectives on constitutional representative government in the Ottoman Empire based on the Constitution of France under the Second Empire. One of the focal points in Kemal's plan was representatives in the national assembly. Although he accepted the suffrage of nonMuslim people in view of maintaining the integrity of the state, he stressed that Muslims should have the initiative in the national assembly. He thought vatan (the fatherland) of all Ottomans was the Ottoman Empire as an Islamic state. The author coneludes that Namik Kemal proposed the constitutional assembly as a forum of representatives elected by the Ottoman nation under the condition that the initiative in the assembly would be in the hands of Muslims, who formed the majority in the Empire.
- 財団法人史学会の論文
- 2006-02-20
財団法人史学会 | 論文
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