社会的企業が都市高速道路下の空間を経営し,社会サービスを供給する : ロンドンのウェストウェイ開発トラストの場合
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In the 1980s in England, the new urban left proposed development policies in opposition to Thatcherism. Westway Development Trust in London is a social enterprise and is considered to be one of the most innovative projects ever done. The trust developed unused plots of land under the motorway into profit-making commercial areas and social service areas. The profits from these commercial ventures were then distributed to social welfare projects and this made the trust financially independent. In this paper we analyze the process and the factors that have lead to the business success of the ventures. We also focus on the necessity of obtaining public partnership at an early stage, and the remarkable management skills of the director.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 2004-03-30
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