都市の街路に描かれる落書きの分布と特徴 : 渋谷駅周辺の建物シャッターに対する落書き被害から
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In conjunction with the analysis of the distribution and characteristics of unlawful graffiti drawn in the streets of the city, this study examines the measures for preventing graffiti damages. The distribution range and presence of graffiti on building shutters were examined in the vicinities of Shibuya Station where there is the most frequent occurrence of graffiti in the Tokyo metropolitan area. As a result, there was more graffiti on busy streets, and there was a tendency for graffiti being drawn more easily on shutters of such small scale buildings as a multi-tenant building compared to such large scale buildings as a department store. Moreover, there was a tendency for unmanaged shutters of vacant shops being easily damaged by graffiti, and well looked after shutters being less easily damaged by graffiti. Furthermore, there was also a tendency for a similar type of graffiti grouping around an elaborate piece of graffiti.
- 2002-10-30
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- 40253 昼夜の街路における街並みの記憶に関する研究(屋外の光環境,環境工学I)