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Extraction of urban land surface using Normalized Vegetation Index (NVI) has been in use for quite some time, but the seasonal characteristics of this land cover, which is in reality a mixed land use, has not be characterized well. With this in mind, this paper aims to characterize NVI of urban land surface. The reflection factors and its seasonal variation patterns were estimated by applying relative atmospheric correction method to multi-temporal JERS-1 OPS data. The relationship between reflection factors and NVI were revealed from the scatter plot diagram of satellite data on Infrared-Visible wavelength space overlaid with contour lines of NVI. From the results, it can be observed that the distribution and seasonal variation pattern of NVI characterizes the various land use. And the results also imply NVI reflects seasonal variation patterns of vegetation well, and it is robust against differences of other land-cover components and effects of shade and shadow.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 2001-10-30
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