都市建築における類推の概念について : アルド・ロッシの類推的建築を通して
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This is a study on the inter-textual movement of meaning-historicity in urban architecture, through a critique of the notion of analogy of Aldo ROSSI 1931-97 who is Italian architect and theoretician. In his opinion, the History appears through the typological permanence and the structure of meanings in the urban architecture. Through the collective memory, it is revealed with the urban traces and the sedimented meanings. In that time, it embodies the "place" of the collective memory. It appears that the memory of architecture can be inscribed in the "analogical city".
- 2001-05-30
- 都市建築における類推の概念について : アルド・ロッシの類推的建築を通して
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