大都市近郊に立地する公共ホールの利用圏域とその形成要因 : N市文化会館の事例を通して
- 論文の詳細を見る
The objectives of this study are to find the characteristics of user's areas of a public performing arts center and predict the future trend in the suburbs of a large city .The questioning was conducted on below three points; the properties of people coming to the performing arts enter the time that takes to come there, tendency to use halls in the vicinity of the city. Based on the questionnaire we find the relation between the user's profile and the actual conditions of there use. As a result, 1) that are over 55 years old. and 70% of whole subjects drive to the hall. 2) It take 30 to 40 minutes to come to the hall for 60% of whole subjects. 3) In the two most frequent users, housewives are likely to come to the halls in the center of a large city, contrary office worker have the various tendency on picking halls to go.
- 2001-03-30
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