ヴィクトル・ルイによるパリのパレ・ロワイヤル再開発について : 18・19世紀フランスにおける劇場と都市計画に関する研究 その2
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In the second half of the 18th century, theatres have gradually began to play an increasingly important role in town-planning in France. In this research I have chosen to analyze one example, the theatre of the Palais Royal in Paris designed by Victor Louis, focusing on the relation between the redevelopment of the Palais Royal as a whole and the construction of the new theatre. From the study of various plans by Louis, it becomes obvious that his primary interest was to create a new garden, enclosed by new apartment buildings. The theatre was treated as a point of contact with its surrounding urban spaces. This case study compares this with a contemporary theatre, "l'Odeon", which was also a nucleus for the elaboration of its neighbouring area.
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