パルテノンの多彩装飾 : その意味と体系に関する復原的研究
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The suggestion that the logic and details of the Doric order was copied from earlier wooden construction is open to question because some scholars reject it as invalid hypothesises. Thus, this paper tries to interpret the meaning of the Doric elements from the mythological or philosophical point of view and confirms that the symbolism of the Parthenon is implied in the correspondence between the forms and their colours. A restored model (scale: 1/10) of the north-west corner of the Parthenon was manufactured as an effective method to understand such reality of the polychromy.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 2000-11-30
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- パルテノンの多彩装飾 : その意味と体系に関する復原的研究
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