Evaluation of the Fusional Limit between the Front and Rear Images in Depth-Fused 3-D Visual Illusion (Electronic Displays)
- 論文の詳細を見る
We clarify the effective range of distance between the front and rear images of the depth-fused 3-D (DFD) visual illusion. The DFD visual illusion is perceived when two images with many edges in the front and rear frontal-parallel planes at different depths are overlapped from the viewpoint of an observer. We evaluated how the fusion of the DFD visual illusion depended on the difference in distance between the front and rear images when the distance between the two images was changed. Subjective tests clarified the cases where DFD can be applied.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
伊達 宗和
Ntt 入出力システム研究所
伊達 宗和
伊達 宗和
日本電信電話株式会社 Nttサイバースペース研究所
伊達 宗和
伊達 宗和
Date Munekazu
Ntt Cyber Space Laboratories Ntt Corporation
Date Munekazu
Ntt Integrated Information & Energy Systems Laboratories
Date Munekazu
Ntt Cyber Space Laboratories
TAKADA Hideaki
NTT Cyber Space Laboratories, NTT Corporation
NTT Cyber Space Laboratories, NTT Corporation
Takada H
Ntt Cyber Space Laboratories Ntt Corporation
Suyama Shiro
Ntt Cyber Space Laboratories Ntt Corporation
Suyama Shiro
Ntt Affiliated Business Development Headquarters
Takada Hideaki
Ntt Cyber Space Laboratories Ntt Corporation
Suyama S
Ntt Cyber Space Laboratories Ntt Corporation
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