- 論文の詳細を見る
Numerical analysis of the single jet and three jets which were issued into a rectangular duct was performed by using a two equation model of turbulence. As for numerical calculation, in the case of a single jet, Reynolds number was taken about the range of 125000<Re<65000. Consequently, it becomes clear that fluid flow fields can be divided into three characteristic regions, i.e. initial domain, and fully developed domain. On the other hand, in the three jets, it becomes clear that two flow patterns are formed in the downstream of the duct depending on the jet velocity ratio at the inlet of the duct,. The first type is a flow whose outer side jet curves to a center side and second type is a flow whose center jet curves to upper side wall.
- 1998-03-01
- VR用入出力インターフェイスに関する研究(磁気角度センサとアクチュエー タの開発)
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