Induction of Triglyceride Accumulation in the Liver of Rats by Perfluorinated Fatty Acids with Different Carbon Chain Lengths: Comparison with Induction of Peroxisomal β-Oxidation
- Comparison of the Toxicokinetics between perfluorocarboxylic acids with Different Carbon Chain Length
- Effects of tiadenol and di(ethyhexyl)phtalate in the liverof rats
- Sex hormone-regulated renal transport of perfluorooctanoic acid
- Regulation by Carbohydrate and Clofibric Acid of Palmitoyl coA chain Elongation in the Liver of Rats
- Increase in hepatic content of oleic acid induced by dehydroepiandrosterone in the rat
- 食薬区分(薬学と栄養学の接点)
- Sex Hormone Regulation of Rat Organic Anion Transporter3 (rOAT3) Expression in Rat Kidney
- Comparison of the elimination between perfluorinatedfatty acids with different carbon chain length in rats
- Induction by perfluorinated carboxylic acids with differentcarbon chain length of peroxisomal β-oxidation in the liver of rats
- Effects of dehydroepiandrosterone on oleic acidformation in the liver of rats, mice and guinea pigs
- Effects of Dehydroepiandrosterone on Oleic Acid Accumulation in Rat Liver
- Induction of Triglyceride Accumulation in the Liver of Rats by Perfluorinated Fatty Acids with Different Carbon Chain Lengths: Comparison with Induction of Peroxisomal β-Oxidation
- Metabolic alterations by clofibric acid in the formationof molecular species of phosphatidylcholine in the liver of rats
- Effects of perfluorooctanoic acid on the synthesis ofphospholipids in the liver of mice fed a dietary soy beanoil, perilla oil or fish oil
- Modification of carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity byclofibric acid in rats
- Effects of fish oil alone and in combination with clofibricacid on serum levels of triacylglycerol and cholesterol inrats
- Alterations by perfluorooctanoic acid of glycerolipidmetabolism in rat liver
- ペルフルオロ脂肪酸の生体作用を決定づける因子に関する研究
- Modification of Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Hepatotoxicity by Clofibric Acid in Rats
- 不飽和脂肪酸の代謝とその調節機構
- ダイオキシン類と毒性 : 増田義人先生に聞く
- 脂質代謝を指標にした薬毒物の生体作用の解析