家禽の脂肪代謝におけるビタミンの作用 : 放射性同位元素の利用による飼料の調製と代謝機構の解析
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The diets added with 30, 60, 150 and 300 mg of carnitine per Kg were given for six weeks, to male White Leghorn chicks of seven days old. The basal diet consisted of ground corn, soybean oil meal, fish meal, minerals, liver oil and vitamin B mixture. During six-week trials carnitine improved the growth of chicks and the body weight increases over control without the carnitine, were respectively 4, 16, 13 and 12-23% in added carnitine amount. At the end of the trials, all chicks were killed and the compositions of the leg muscle and liver were compared, but no difference was found between the chicks with the addition of carnitine and those without it. In the experiments following the previons experiments the diets added with the single or combined supplementation of 100 mg of carnitine and 1-4 g of choline per Kg were given to the chicks for 2-4 weeks. During 2-4 week-trials, the single supplementation of 100 mg of carnitine or of 1-4 g of choline, and the combined supplementation of 100 mg of carnitine are almost the same as that of 4 g of choline. The diets containing 10% of soybean oil were given to the chicks for three weeks and the influences of the addition of carnitine and choline were examined. As the results, it was ascertained that in these diets, the doses of 100 mg of carnitine have also the same effect on the growth as those of 4 g of choline ; and the iodine and saponification values of the fat prepared from the fatty tissue of the body of the chicks are almost the same. And in the diets prepared from feed grains and fish meal, which were treated with water to exclude choline from these sources and which were added with 10% of soybean oil, carnitine is replaceable with choline for the effect on the growth of chicks. The requirements of choline and pantothenic acid for the growth of chicks in the diets containing 10% of soybean oil were examined. As the results, 3-5 g of choline and 15 mg of pantothenic acid per Kg of diet were required for the good growth of chicks and these values were higher than those in the usual diets. The protein labeled as C^<14> was prepared from the cultivation of the rumen protozoa and was given to the cocks which were fed with the diets containing or not containing soybean oil. At the end of the trials, they were killed and the livers, spleens and leg muscle were isolated, and the radio activity [which was derived] from C^<14> in these tissues was traced. It was recognized that in the samples of the cock given the diets containing soybean oil, radio activities of C^<14> were lower than those in the diets withont soybean oil ; so it is concluded that in the tissues of the individuals which were given the diets containing a large quantity of fat, the metabolism of protein was affected and the passing of C^<14> in the tissues was retarded.
- 明治大学の論文
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