反芻動物の第一胃内における微生物の相互関係 : 放射性同位元素使用による機構の解析
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The action of rumen infusoria and bacteria were studied to investigate the physiological relation between these two microorganisms in the rumen. That is, infusoria and bacteria which were isolated from the rumen content were cultivated artificially and the transformation of nitrogenous oompounds in the media was examined. It was ascertained that when infusoria coexist with bacteria in the media, infusoria break down the bacterial protein and produce the amino acid and peptide. Following them, it was recognized that infusoria intake one part of these nitrogenous compounds and produce some amounts of ammonia as one of the end product of the metabolism of these compounds. These phenomena was also ascertained by the experiment in which C^<14>-Iabelled amino acids were used. These C^<14>-Iabelled amino acids were taken by infusoria and were incorporated into the protein of cell. In these experiments it was observed that glycine is taken by this microorganism and is incorporated into the protein but methionine is not so readily taken into the cell. Infusoria does not metabolize the urea but bacteria metabolize this compound and produce ammonia by the action of urease. And the extract of cell of these microorganisms were prepared and the urease activity was examined. As the result it was shown that the extract of bacterial cell has a urease activity but that of infusoria does not show this action. Then it was found that the extract of grass with medium of mixture of aceton and hydrogen chloride has a factor which influence upon the physiological action of these microorganisms. That is, when infusoria was cultivated in the media containing this extract, infusoria grew up to take fission and the number of cell increased. And when this extract was infused into the rumen of goat and sheep through the fistula, the physiological activity of bacteria in the rumen was affected and the cellulose digestion and the formation of gas by the action of bacteria was accerelated. In the experiment in which C^<14>-Iabelled amino mixture was used, it was shown that this factor does not so influence upon the nitrogen metabolism but influence mainly upon the carbohydrate metabolism. These results lead to the conclusion that there is a physiological correlation between infusoria and bacteria in the rumen and the extract of grass has a factor which influence upon the activity of these microorganisms.
- 明治大学の論文
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