Mechanical Twins and Rubber-like Behaviour of Rare-earth Orthoniobates : Part I Structures and Domain Walls of RNbO_4 Crystals
- 論文の詳細を見る
The structures of RNbO_4 (rare-earth orthoniobate) single and twinned crystals have been studied in detail : (i) High temperature phase is scheelite structure (S. G. I4_1/a) and low temperature phase is monoclinic scheelite structure (S. G. I2/c= I2/a) ; (ii) Shuffles of all the constituent atoms are needed in twinning ; (iii) The mechanical twins in their crystals are defined as a twin of the third kind. All the domain walls of RNbO_4 crystals are the W' walls of the ferroelastic species 4/mF2/m proposed by Sapriel.
- 東北大学の論文
The Research Institute for Iron,Steel and Other Metals,Tohoku University
Tsunekawa Shin
The Research Institute For Iron Steel And Other Metals
- A Soft Acoustic Mode in the Ferroelastic Phase Transition of LaNbO_4
- Raman Scattering and Fluorescence Spectra of LaNbO_4
- Mechanical Twins and Rubber-like Behaviour of Rare-earth Orthoniobates : Part I Structures and Domain Walls of RNbO_4 Crystals
- Phase Transition of BaZnGeO_4 Crystals
- Domain Switching Behaviour of Ferroelastic LaNbO_4 and NdNbO_4
- Mechanical Twins and Rubber-like Behaviour of Rare-earth Orthoniobates : Part II Mechanical Behaviour in Low Temperature Phase