Antimicrobial activity of N-acylphenothiazines and their influence on lipid model membranes and erythrocyte membranes.
- Biological activity of persimmon (Diospyros kaki) peel extracts
- Inhibition of LPS-stimulated NO production in mouse macrophage-like cells by Barbados cherry, a fruit of Malpighia emarginata DC
- Structure-cytotoxic activity relationships of simple hydroxylated coumarins.
- 3,5-Dibenzoyl-1,4-dihydropyridines: Synthesis and MDR Reversal in Tumor Cells
- Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic evaluations of a potentanalgesic dihydroetorphine, in hairless rat
- Tolerance to analgesia dependence liability by topicalapplication of dihydroetorphine to hairless rats
- Biological activity of a fruit vegetable, "Anastasia Green", aspecies of sweet pepper
- Biological activity of Kiwifruit peel extracts
- Enhanced antibacterial effect of erythromycin in the presenceof 3,5-dibenzoyl-1,4-dihydropyridines
- Antimicrobial Activity of New Coumarin Derivatives
- Antimicrobial activity of trifluoromethyl ketones and theirsynergism with promethazine
- Convenient Synthesis of 4-Trifluoromethyl-SubstitutedImidazole Derivatives
- Transdermal Delivery of the Potent Analgesic Dihydroetorphine:Kinetic Analysis of Skin Permeation and Analgesic Effect in theHairless Rat
- Quantitative determination of dihydroetorphine in rat plasmaand brain by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
- Biological Activity of Feijoa Peel Extracts
- Selective Cytotoxic Activity of Grape Peel and Seed ExtractsAgainst Oral Tumor Cell Lines
- 再録報文 Anti-stress,Anti-HIV and Vitamin C-synergized Radical Scavenging Activity of Mulberry Juice Fractions
- Cytotoxic and Multidrug Resistance Reversal Activity of a Vegetable, `Anastasia Red', a Variety of Sweet Pepper
- Partial purification of cytotoxic substances from Moxa extract
- Cancer prevention and therapy with kiwifruit in Chinese folklore medicine: a study of kiwifruit extracts
- Trifluoromethyl Ketones Show Culture Age-dependent Inhibitory Effects on Low K+-induced Apoptosis in Cerebellar Granule Neurons
- Trifluoromethyl Ketone-based Inhibitors of Apoptosis inCerebellar Granule Neurons
- Multidrug resistance reversal in mouse lymphoma cells by Indian tea leaves, Indian coffee seeds and chicory.
- Antimicrobial activity of N-acylphenothiazines and their influence on lipid model membranes and erythrocyte membranes.
- Interaction between various resistance modifiers and apoptosis inducer 12H-Benzo[a]phenothiazine
- Interaction between 3,4-dihydropyridines and ampicillin, and erythromycin on different E. coli strains
- Relationship between Radical Intensity and BiologicalActivity of Cacao Husk Extracts
- Plasmid Elimination and Immunomodulation by 3-Benzazepines In Vitro
- α-Trifluoromethylacyloins Induce Apoptosis in HumanTumor Cell Lines
- In Vitro Susceptibility of Helicobacter pylori to Trifluoromethyl Ketones
- Synthesis of Highly Functionalized Pyrrolidinones FromMesoionic 4-Trifluoroacetyl-1,3-oxazolium-5-olatesand Aminomalonate
- Site-Selective Trifluoroacetylation of Dimethylamino-Substituted Pyridines and Its Use as a Building Block forTrifluoromethyl-Containing Heterocycles
- Heterocyclization of 4-Trifluoroacetyl-2,3-dihydropyrroleswith Hydrazines and Amidines : A New Access to Trifluoromethylated Pyrazoles and Pyrimidines Bearing a b-Aminoethyl Side Chain
- (平成12年度学長所管 研究テーマ) 「胃潰瘍原因菌 : Helicobacter pylori のラットへの感染に関する基礎的検討、並びに抗菌物質の探索」
- Urease inhibitory activity of simple alpha,beta-unsaturated ketones.
- Structural requirements of hydroxylated coumarins for in vitro anti-Helicobacter pylori activity.
- 3,5-Diacetyll-1,4-dihydropyridines: Synthesis and MDR Reversalin Tumor Cells
- Convenient Synthesis of α-Trifluoromethylated Acyloins Fromα-Hydroxy or α-Amino Acids
- Convenient Synthesis of α-Trifluoromethylated AcyloinsFrom α-Hydroxy or α-Amino Acids
- Analysis of apoptosis signaling pathway in human cancer cells by codeinone, a synthetic derivative of codeine.
- Comparative analysis of apoptosis-inducing activity of codeine and codeinone.
- Effect of antisense oligodeoxynucleotide for sepiapterin reductase on the viability of PC12 cells in the presence of exogenous carbonyl compounds
- Enhancement of plasmid curing by 9-aminoacridine and two phenothiazines in the presence of proton pump inhibitor 1-(2-benzoxazolyl)-3,3,3-trifluoro-2-propanone
- Convenient Synthesis of 5-Trifluoroacetylated Imidazoles by RingTransformation of Mesoionic 1,3-Oxazolium-5-olates
- The Dakin-West Reaction of N-Alkoxycarbonyl-N-alkyl-α-amino AcidsEmploying Trifluoroacetic Anhydride
- トリフルオロメチルケトン類の新規合成法の開発と創薬
- Trifluoromethyl-trimethylsilane