Synthesis of Lanthanoid Aluminates (β-Al_2O_3 Type) Using Arc Plasma Flame
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New compounds with approximate formulas, La_2O_3・7Al_2O_3, Pr_2O_3・7Al_2O_3, Nd_2O_3・8Al_2O_3 and Sm_2O_3・7Al_2O_3, have been obtained through melting by arc plasma flame and separated into their own single phases by a proper chemical treatment. All of the compounds have the β-Al_2O_3 type structure. Excepting only La_2O_3・7Al_2O_3, these compounds have the β-Al_2O_3 type structure at temperatures higher than 1500℃.
- 東北大学の論文
東北大学 | 論文
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