- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to compare trained batters with untrained batters in regard to movement of the center of gravity during the back-swing in baseball batting. We recorded the swing using one CCD camera positioned on the lateral side of the batter. After we estimated the position of the center of gravity of the body and the bat, we estimated maximal distance from the initial batting stance to the end of the back-swing around the center of gravity of the body and bat. We also calculated the maximal acceleration, velocity and momentum around the center of gravity during the forward-swing in the horizontal plane. results showed 1) maximal distance from the initial batting stance to the end of back-swing around the center of gravity of the body and bat in untrained batters was significantly larger, p<0.01, than in trained batters ; 2) there was no significant difference between trained batters and untrained batters in maximal acceleration, velocity, and momentum of the center of gravity in the horizontal plane during the forward swing ;
- 中京大学の論文
- 2003-11-20
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