サッカー指導者のためのチーム作りの一貫指導教程の構築に関する一考察 : 鹿島アントラーズ、ジョアン・カルロス監督のチーム作り
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J-League Soccer is now in its tenth year since the establishment of J-League. During the past ten years, the Japan National Team took part in the World Cup Competition in France in 1998. And U-23 Olympic, U-20, the U-17 National Teams took part in International Competition too. J-League soccer and Managers from overseas have played a great role in this success. The Kashima Antlers became the first champion to win the 1993 J-League 1st stage. The team had a poor record during its next two seasons. But the Kashima Antlers won the J-League Championship the first time in 1996 through the efforts of a Brazilian manager, Joao Carlos. The purpose of this study was to determine the guiding principles of soccer team management, and to describe the strength of the Kashima Antlers, thanks to the coaching of Joao Carlos.
- 2002-03-31
- サッカー指導者のためのチーム作りの一貫指導教程の構築に関する一考察 : 鹿島アントラーズ、ジョアン・カルロス監督のチーム作り
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