- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relation between the joint angle and horizontal velocity of the supporting leg and the velocity of the ball by an instep kick as powerful as possible. Subjects were 3 male students who were skilled members of the college soccer club and 3 male non-skilled persons. In this study, the velocity of the ball, foot, greater trochanters and knee and angle of the knee were analyzed three-dimensionally (3-D). The results were as follows : (1) A significant correlation (r=0.903) was found between the velocity of the ball and the velocity of the foot. (2) Skilled persons kicked the ball using good waist rotation. This rotation is a factor which increases the velocity of the ball. (3) Skilled persons fixed the supporting leg, the angle of the knee was about 150 degrees and the velocity of the knee was lower than in non-skilled persons.
- 中京大学の論文
- 2001-11-01
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