Phase Translation in Hadfield Steel Isothermally Heated at 500℃ after Solution Treatment
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Hadfield steels isothermally heated at some temperatures undergo precipitations of grain boundary carbides. In steels with, precipitates grown up to a large amount, γ transformed into ε at about room temperature by cooling and theε-phase was present with carbides and α-phase. The equilibrium phases in a Hadfield steel at room temperature were reported to consist of α+carbide, but the process of phase translation leading to the equilibrium is not yet completely known. In the present work standard Hadfield steels of chemical composition of 13.7% manganese and 1.2% carbon and isothermally heated at 500℃ after solution treatment were studied mainly dilatometrically and magnetically. At 500℃, as well known, carbides first precipitated from γ-phase then γ transformed to carbide+α-phase, but it took a very long time to attain the equilibrium state. While in lower temperature it may be supposed that the γ-phase transformed in the following sequence : γ+carbide→γ+ε+carbide→γ+ε+α+carbide→+ε+α+carbide and finally to the equilibrium (α+carbide) in the long years. Thusε-phase in Hadfield steel is apparently metastable appearing only in phase transformation process to be equilibrium.
- 東北大学の論文
Imai Yunoshin
The Research Institute For Iron Steel And Other Metals
SAITO Toshio
The Research Institute for Iron, Steel and Other Metals
Saito Toshio
The Research Institute For Iron Steel And Other Metals
Imai Y.
The Research Institute for Iron, Steel and Other Metals
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