第15回男子世界選手権大会のゲーム分析 : ベスト8チームに観るゲームプラン
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The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of the teams' tactics on the outcome of the games. The object of study consisted of all the games at the final tournament of the 1997 15th Men's World Handball Championship. The main results were as follows : (1) This championship maintained the standards of the previous 1995 Men's World Championships both in quality and game speed. (2) The proportion of scoring from the far-shooting zone in a set offense was about 50 percent. The effectiveness of shooting improved in the long-distance (9M shot) and post (6M shot) shooting. (3) The average amount shooting time per game differed among the 4 highest-ranked teams and the 4 lowest-ranked teams (P<0.05). The average time in offense per game differed between the 2 lowest-ranked teams (7-8 place) and the other groups (P<0.05). (4) Scoring by short-distance shooting accounted for over 50 percent in the first- and third-ranked groups. In effectiveness of shooting, the first-(1-2 place) and third-(5-6 place) ranked groups were different from the other groups (P<0.01). (5) The average amount of time in missed points per game was different between the 4 highest and lowest-ranked teams (P<0.01). In comparison among the 4 groups, the lowest ranked group took the largest amount of time in both missed points and scoring. (6) 70.2 percent of missed points in set offense occurred at a position of low effectiveness in the 4 highest-ranked teams (P<0.01). In comparison among the 4 groups, missed points of the first-ranked group in short-distance shooting was about 40 percent, against over 50 perecent among the other groups. Under 30 percent of the missed points occurred at an efficient position in the first-ranked group. The lower the team ranking, the more points missed in fast breaks.
- 中京大学の論文
- 1998-03-17
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