ハンドボール競技におけるゲーム分析 : 平成3年度 全日本学生ハンドボール選手権大会より
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The purpose of this study was to examine the factors to win a game by analyzing games in '91 All Japan Intercollege Handball Championships on men's team over best 8. The main results were as follows : 1) For winning a game, it has been considered that a team must hold the opposing team under 20 points and score over 20 points. 2) For gaining more score, a team must not miss, and has to be linked with offense to shoot. Moreover, a team must improve in the rate of success in offense. 3) To improve in the rate of success in offense, a team must improve in proficiency in fast break. It has been considered that the score by fast break may form 30 percent of total score.
- 中京大学の論文
- 1992-03-15
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