ゲシュタルト療法における治療技法の体系化の試み(その1) : Perls, F.の治療技法
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Frederic Perls, the founder of Gestalt therapy, was negative to systematization of the therapeutic techniques for to avoid that the techniques went out of control. However, his hesitation brought about not only the delay of systematization of the therapeutic techniques but also distorting understanding of Gestalt therapy itself especially in Japan. In this paper the author tried to classify the Perls' techniques and to point out the mutual relations between them in order to complement the delay of this theorization. First, Perls' therapeutic techniques was divided roughly into "the awareness-oriented technique group", and "the behavior-oriented technique group". As techniques belonging to the former, the phenomenological observation and it's report, the questioning about awareness, paraphrasing, and the practical use of frustration were mentioned. And as techniques which belong to the latter, amplification according to a repetition and exaggeration, and the invitation to direct experience which encompass empty chair technique and the investigation of the polarity were classified. Finally, the shuttling technique which means making back and forth between the awareness-oriented technique group and the behavior-oriented technique group was also mentioned as a connecting technique.
- 鳴門教育大学の論文
- 2005-03-04
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