- 論文の詳細を見る
The promary obfective of this study was to determine gender differences of subcutaneous fat distribution in a cross-sectional sample of 409 children. Measurements of skinfold thickness of 187 boys and 222 girls, all apparently healthy and aged 6-8 years were made using Harpenden caliper. For each gender, the subjects in the lowest and highest 25th percentiles were designated as "low body mass" and "high body mass" respectively. Significnat gender differences of skinfold thickness at suprailiac, abdomen, back2, thigh1 and thigh2 were observed in low-body-mass children, However, in high-body-mass children, significhan gender differences were observed any at bach2 and thigh1. Singnificant fender differences in sum of 14 skinfolds, sum of 5 trink skinfolds and sum of 5 extremity skinfolds were observed in low-body-mass childrfen and tend to be higher in girls than in boys. In contrast, there were no significant fender differences in high-body-mass childres. Both the significant fender and category dffects significant category effcts were observed on all valuable. This study shows that relatve subcutaneous fat mass were higher in high-body-mass children with high subcutaneous fat track to be sbese in adulthood. In addition, this observation needs confimation using more valid measures of subcutaneous fat such as computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.
- 久留米大学の論文
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