水田ビジョンによる新規参入者の経営再編と戦略 : 小平町を事例として
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This case study has already been taken up in the 59th and 60th volumes of THE NOKEI RONSO ; the apprenticeship-training program, and the circumstances through which a farmer started a farming business, respectively. The farmer (hereinafter called Mr. N), being a new entrant, had received generous support from a local administrative body and agricultural organizations during his apprenticeship program and until he opened his farm. However, all such local assistance ended last fiscal year ; Mr. N receives the same treatment as other farmers from this year on. This means that Mr. N is expected to manage his farm independently as a self-sufficient entrepreneur. The year 2004, when Mr. N became an independent farmer, coincided with the year when the Japanese Government launched the outline of nationwide reforms in rice-related policies. This paper examines the prospect of farmers who have recently started their business, by introducing rice production in Obira Town, where the farm of Mr. N is located, and by highlighting the development of his farm business under the circumstances described above, particularly his efforts to stabilize farm management.
- 北海道大学の論文
- 2005-03-11
- シンポジウム報告者に対するコメント・討論
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