韓国平野部マウルの変遷と共同的結合 : 全羅北道金堤市扶梁面龍骨マウルを事例として
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The hiring of independent farmers in a village is closely related to the establishment form of the village. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the situation of surrounding villages to identify the logic behind the securing of independent farmers. However, rural villages in the Republic of Korea have not been studied in that sense. The present study aims at defining the characters of Mawl (villages) on plains of the Republic of Korea by analyzing its historical changes and communal relations. Mawl, that are located on plains of the country, are base on human relations, or the foundation of Mawl on blood relations. However, since it was not possible to form an economic community based solely on kinship, groups of people with common ties to a region emerged to supplement blood-based relations. Therefore, such complementary regional relationship does not have the norm of Mawl, allowing the free association with outside communities and making it easier for them to secure independent farmers through immigration. Likewise, the establishment of close relations among other Mawl in recent years can be attributed to the same reason ; Mawl, plagued by the shortage of independent farmers, have tried to find a solution to the problem by having close relations with each other.
- 2005-03-11
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