- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper analyzed a prosodic feature of children's speech that is widely believed to be popular in the classes of the Japanese primary schools. The prosodic feature under focus was clause-end stressing, in which the end of a clause was pronounced with a sudden rise in loudness and pitch. As this peculiar prosody occurrs most often, if not exclusively, in Japanese primary schools these days, it can be an index of the children's Voice in Bakhtinian sense unique in classroom interaction, reflecting children's way of being in the school as social system. The data corpus of the study was 6 video-taped records of the 45 minutes teaching-learning interaction taken in 6 primary schools in the Tokyo area. The grade of the class ranged from 1st to 5th, lacking the 2nd grade. One of them was used to assess the inter-rater reliability to identify the clause-end stressing in each of child's speech. Coefficient of contingency C was .688, showing that there was a moderate inter -rater relationship between 2 raters. Speech with clause-end stressing was identified in all the classes except for one of 1st graders, confirming belief in its popular existence held among educationional society. Types of speech in which clause-end stressing appears frequently were sought and 6 of them were identified. These were; reading aloud in unison, answering in unison, repeating answers on teacher's request, presenting at the front of the classroom, answering by citing teaching material, and shallow analysis of teaching material. These results suggested that the occurrence of the speech with the clause-end stressing was determined by two features of the speech. One was the degree of focus of the whole class as receiver or co-sender in a speaker's attention. The more the whole class became the focus in a speaker's attention, the more the speech with the clause-end stressing tended to occur. The other was the distance to teaching material in the content of children's speech, which means the degree of shallowness in children's processing of teaching material. The nearer the distance to material, the more the speech with the clause-end stressing tended to occur. Whole class as focus of attention and nearness to teaching material are features very popular in Japanese classrooms with average or below average teaching quality, suggesting that the speech with the clause-end stressing is the class's Voice in Bakhtinian sense.
- 早稲田大学の論文
- 1996-03-25
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