環境態度の発達に関する研究 : エドニィのナッツ・ゲーム
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A version of Edney's nuts game in "paper & pencil" form was given to elementary school children (6th graders, 12-year-olds), junior high school students (8th graders, 14-year-olds), and senior high school students (10th graders, 16-year-olds). The original game involves a small group sitting around an open bowl which contains 10 nuts. Each player can harvest as many nuts as he likes during each 10-second interval. After each interval, if any nuts remain, their number is doubled but can not exceed the interval's initial number of nuts. This replenishment cycle continues until either the pool of nuts is exhausted or a certain time limit is rearched. The player's goal is to maximize his nuts through a number of intervals. The version used in this study consisted of three parts. The first included the rules of the game and two practice trials. The second included two individual games with a question about each subject's initial harvest number and a question about the optimal harvest number in order to increase nuts most effectively. Then all the subjects were taught the reason why the optimal was 5. The third included an imaginary small group game. Each subject in three age groups was allotted to one of four experimental conditions: group size (either 3 or 8 participants) x type of relationship (either best friends or strangers). They were instructed to imagine that they had got one nut and 5 nuts were left (Situation 1), and asked two questions : whether to harvest more nuts or not, and whether to advice others not to harvest or whether to say nothing. The same questions were asked in the two following situations. Someone had taken one of the nuts left (Situation 2), and, seeing that, others were going to get the nuts (Situatuon 3). Drawings of nuts in the shallow bowl were put at appropriate places to aid understanding. The results of the three questions in the individual game stage showed high correct answer rates and certain age differences, and suggested the paper and pencil method can be used with younger children instead of the real game. No age differences were seen in harvesting response rates in each situation, but young children's rates seemed lower than older's rates in earlier Situations. And the restraining response rates in Situation 3 became higher as school age advanced. The type of relationship factor showed no effects, though the group size factor had certain effects so that harvesting response rates in 8-person-conditions were lower than in 3-person-conditions in Situation 1 and 2 at age 12. A similar effect was seen in the restraining response rates in Situation 1 at age 12; that is, the rates were higher in 8-person-conditions than in 3-person-conditions. These effects were explained by the subjects' perception of deviations from the equity. Because each subject had one nut and there were 5 nuts left, if he played in the 8-person- (3-person-) conditions, he might have more (less) advantage than a few others who might get no (more) nut (s). The overall results suggested a tendency of declining cooperative behaviors after age 14 or 16.
- 早稲田大学の論文
- 1991-03-25
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